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Carol S. Jeffers, Ph.D. - CURRICULUM VITAE


Degree and date conferred:  Ph.D., May 1991, University of Maryland

Major:  Art education and Curriculum theory/development


Professional Positions:

Professor of art education, California State University, Los Angeles, September 1, 1999 - June 2014.

Associate professor of art education, California State University, Los Angeles, Fall 1993 - 99.

Assistant professor of art education, The Wichita State University, 1992-93.

Instructor, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Maryland, 1991-92.

Graduate assistant, University of Maryland, 1989-91.

Columnist and writer, freelance, 1985-89.

Co-director, Animagraphics, 1981-1989.

Photography teacher, Rockville High School, Rockville, MD, 1978-81.

Art and photography teacher, Robert E. Peary High School, Rockville, MD, 1973-78.



1999 Art Educator of the Year in the Pacific Region in Higher Education, awarded by the National Art Education Association and presented at the NAEA national convention, Washington DC..


Meritorious Faculty Awards: Performance Salary Step Increase 1998; Faculty Merit Increases 1999 and 2000; and Performance Pay Increase, July 1, 2009.


Getty Service-Learning Scholar, 2000-02


Nominated for the June King McFee Award 2003  


Cal State LA Campus nominee for the Thomas B. Erlich National Service-Learning Award, 2002 and 2003 



Elected Positions:

Board of Directors, Seminar for Research in Art Education (SRAE), 1993-95.

SRAE Delegate to the Assembly, National Art Education Association Conventions, 1994-5.

Co-Chair and Chair, Arts and Learning SIG, American Educational Research Association, 1994-7.

Treasurer of the United States Society for Education through Art (USSEA), April 1997.

Co-Editor of the Journal of Arts and Learning Research, April 1997-98.

National Panel of Reviewers/Editorial Board for the journal, Art Education, April 1999-2003.

Member at Large of the Board of Directors of the Seminar for Research in Art Education.


Grants Received:

"A Survey of Kansas Art Educators:  Professional Needs and Interests," research supported by a grant from The Wichita State University, January-June 1993


"In the School of Art and Design:  Students' Experiences of Critique," research supported by a grant from The Wichita State University, January-June, 1993  


The Mary McMullan Award, funded by the National Art Education Foundation, April 1997, for the project, "Alternative Art Teaching Experiences and Community Collaborations," involving the Armory Center for the Arts.


National Art Education Foundation Research Grant, for the project, "Child-Guides and Adult Partners:  A Strategy for Sharing Meaningful Learning Experiences in Art Museums," funding for the period July 1, 1998-January 1999.


Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development State Grant, for Project CLASP (Community Leadership for Art and School Partnerships), involving the Pasadena Unified School District; funding for the period June 1, 1998-December 1, 1998.


Innovative Instruction Award, Level 1, California State University, Los Angeles, to support the project, "Campus-Based Service Learning Using the CSLA Art Galleries," funding for the Winter Quarter, 1999, involving credential students enrolled in 3 sections of ART 400 and 5 groups of area school children.


Innovative Instruction Award, Level 2, California State University, Los Angeles, to support the Art Department project, "ArtWorks," funding for the period January -June, 1999.


Innovative Instruction Award, Level 2, California State University, Los Angeles, to support the project, “Assessment in the Art Department:  A Triptych,” funding for the period September 2000-June 2001.


Selected as one of 12 Getty Service-Learning Scholars, and participant in the partnership program between the J. Paul Getty Trust and the California State University, “Linking Service-Learning and the Visual Arts,” 2000-2002. 


National Art Education Foundation Research Grant, to support the project, “Connections through Art: Cross-Country, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Curricular,” funding period July 2001-2002.


Innovative Instruction Award, Level 1, California State University, Los Angeles, “In Collaboration: Building School-Community Connections To, Through, and With the Luckman Gallery,” awarded June 2002 for fall 2002 and winter 2003.


Assistance on Grants:

State Coordinator for data collection in California, for the research grant, "Normative Study of an Assessment Instrument," funded by the National Art Education Association Foundation, Carol Stavropoulos and Read Diket, principal investigators, April 1997-January 1999..


Designer of the art education program, "ESTAMOS!," proposed by the El Sereno Youth Center and funded by the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, November 1998-March 1999.



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© 2015 by Carol and Gene Jeffers

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