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Carol S. Jeffers, Ph.D. - CURRICULUM VITAE - p. 2


Professional Publications:



Spheres of Possibility: Linking Service-Learning and the Visual Arts, published by the National Art Education Association Press. 2005.


Published Book Chapters:

"Researching Aesthetic Decision-Making as Lived Experience," chapter in New Waves of Art Education Research, published by the Seminar for Research in Art Education, 1992/96, Mary Stokrocki, Editor.


"Who Teaches Art?  Recycling the Question," chapter in A Preservice Art Education Classroom:  Issues and Practices, National Art Education Association, 1995, Lynn Galbraith, Editor.


"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Truths:  Visual Metaphor in Art Education," chapter in Meta4:  Essays in Art Education, Sheri Klein, Editor., Open Door Publishers, 1996.


"From Both Sides of the Looking Glass:  Visions of Imagination, the Arts, and Possibility," chapter in The Passionate Mind of on Maxine Greene, William Pinar, Editor, Falmer Press, 1998.


“Tools for Understanding Social Issues and Visual Culture,” in Contemporary Issues in Art Education, Peg Speirs & Yvonne Gaudelius, Editors., Prentice-Hall, 2002.


“Case Study: Constructivist Teaching and Learning in the Art Gallery,” in Teaching Art in Context:  Case Studies for Preservice Art Education, Sheri Klein, Editor., Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, 2003. 


“Answering Her Call,” chapter in Women Art Educators V: Conversations Across Time, Enid Zimmerman, Kit Grauer, and Rita Irwin, Editors. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association Publisher, 2003.


”Meanings about Mona/Velvet Ropes,” chapter in Semiotics and Art Education: Sights, Signs, and Significance, Deborah Smith-Shank, Editor, Reston, VA: National Art Education Publisher, 2004.


“Transformative Connections: Linking Service-Learning and the Visual Arts,” chapter in The Arts, Education, and Social Chang:Little signs of hope, Mary Clare Powell and Vivien Marrow-Speiser, Editors, New York: Pter Lang (publisher), 2005.


“About My Practice,” a narrative in Work, Pedagogy, and Change: Foundations for the Art Teacher Educator, Lynn Galbraith, Editor, NAEA Publication, 2006. “Engaging Min, Body, and Soul: Essential Connections for Art Education,” In The Heart of Art Education: Holistic Approaches to Creativity, Integration, and Transformation, Laurel Campbell & Seymour Simmons, Eds. National Art Education Association, 2013.


Published Articles:

"Shopping Mall Shooting," Arts & Activities, Sept. 1982.


"Photographic/Art Processes," School Arts, Feb. 1984.


"The Electronic Revolution," School Arts, March 1986.


"Mixed Messages," School Arts, Sept. 1986.


"A School Discipline Technique -- No, Because I Said No," Education, Winter 1986.


"Visual Preferences -- Easy Approaches," School Arts, May 1987.


"Values Examination in Art Curricula Construction from Owatonna to Today," Bulletin of the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education, volume 7, Spring, 1987.


"Photo-composition-grams," School Arts, November, 1987.


"Misusing the School Public Address System" by Carol S. Jeffers, Education, Fall, 1988.


"Child-Centered and Discipline-Based Art Education:  Metaphors and Meanings"(Abridged), Art Education, March 1990.


"Art History in the Kindergarten Classroom," School Arts, March 1991.


"Research as Art, Art as Research: A Living Relationship,"  Art Education, September 1993.


"A Survey of Instructors of Art Methods Classes for Preservice Elementary Teachers," Studies in Art Education, August 1993.


"Teacher Education:  A Context for Art Education,"  The Journal of Aesthetic Education, Fall 1993.


"Expanding the Student's Role in the Assessment Process," Collage 1993, a publication of the Kansas Art Education Association, Fall 1993.


"Through the Keyhole:  Phenomenological Glimpses of Life in the Preservice Class, Art for Elementary Teachers," The Journal of Curriculum Discourse and Dialogue, Spring 1994.


"Questioning the Role of Art in Education and Society: Paradoxical Views of Preservice Teachers," The Journal of Aesthetic Education, Winter, 1994.

"From Los Angeles:  A Commentary," The Journal of Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, 1994.


"The Group Studio Critique as Event:  A Problem-Position, “Journal of Arts and Learning Research, 1995.


"Teaching Elementary Art Methods Courses:  Profiles and Scenarios," Teaching Education, Vol. 7, No.1, 1995.


"Becoming Leaders:  Art Teachers Make Connections and Influence Policy," Art Education, July 1995.


"Professional Development in Art Education Today:  A Survey of Kansas Art Teachers," Studies in Art Education, March 1996.


Cat's Cradle:  Collaborative Inquiry in a Postmodern Era, Founding Editor and contributing author, Vol. 1, No. 1 November 1995; Vol. 1, No. 2 May 1996; Vol. 2, No. 1 November 1996; Vol.2, No. 2 May 1997. 


"Making a Mural, Blending Art with the Politics of Culture," Journal of Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, Vol. 13, 1996.


"Graffiti Art and the Politics of Culture," in the Journal of Arts and Learning Research, Spring 1996.


"Experiencing Art through Metaphor," Art Education, May 1996.


"Relating Controversial Contemporary Art and School Art:  A Problem-Position," co-authored with Pat Parth (former graduate student), Studies in Art Education, Fall 1996.


At an Intersection: Time, Place, and the Community of Art Education (The Cal State L.A. Experience 1947-1997), book published by Open Door Publishers, 1997.


"Pluralist and Pragmatist Views of Multiculturalism:  Creating an Interface," Journal of Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Research in Art Education, Volume 14, 1997.


"Making Collages, Reading Cultures:  A Place Between Phenomenology and Structuralism," in


"Signs of Art in American Cultures:  Art Education Meets Semiotics," Deborah Smith-Shank, Editor; in the Journal of Arts and Learning Research, Spring 1997.


"Discovering a Gap:  A Comparison of the Personal and Educational

Aesthetic Preferences of Students and Teachers," Studies in Art Education 39(1), Fall 1997.


"Experiencing Art, Self, and Others through Metaphor:  Implications for Teacher Education," Journal of Arts and Learning Research, Spring 1998.


"From Place to Space, Security to Freedom:  Semiotics of Placelessness," in "The Semiotics of Place," Deborah Smith-Shank, editor, Journal of Arts and Learning Research, Spring 1998.


"Aesthetic Preferences, Views, and Expectations of Diverse Students and Teachers," Journal of Multi-cultural and Cross- Cultural Research in Art Education, Volume 15, 1998.


"What Happens When We Ask, What is Art?" in Art Education, January, 1999.


"Lessons for Art Education from Reading Education:  A Commentary," Studies in Art Education 40(3), Spring,1999.


"Empowering Children to Construct Meaning in Art Museums," Journal of Arts and Learning Research,, Spring 1999.


“Time to Keep, Time to Dream, and the Persistence of Time,” in “The Semiotics of Time,” Journal of Arts and Learning Research, Spring 1999.


"When Children Take the Lead in Exploring Art Museums with their Adult Partners," Art Education, November, 1999.


“Conversations in an Urban World,” in Journal of Arts & Learning Research, Spring 2000.


"Book Review:  Creating Meaning through Art:  Teacher as Choice- Maker, Studies in Art Education, Summer, 2000.


“Funding Issues and Teacher Expertise in Elementary Art Teaching:  A Dynamic Relationship,” co-authored with Noreen Izuo Fong, article published in Art Education, September, 2000.


“Drawing on Semiotics:  Inscribing a Place between Formalism and Contextualism,” Art Education, November, 2000.


“Between School and Community: Situating Service-Learning in University Art Galleries,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 7, Fall 2000, 109-116.


“Valuing the Arts:  Admission Requirements at California’s Four-Year Universities,” article in the NAEA News, Vol. 43, No. 3, Spring 2001, p. 18.


“Museum as Process,” The Journal of Aesthetic Education, January, 2003.


“Gallery as Nexus,” Art Education, January, 2003.


“In a Cultural Vortex: Theme Parks, Experience, and Opportunities for Art Education,” Studies in Art Education, 45(3) Spring 2004.


“Empathy, Cultural Art, and Mirror Neurons: Implications for the Classroom and Beyond,” Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, Vol. 26, Spring, 2008.


“Within Connections: Empathy, Mirror Neurons, and Art Education,” Art Education, March 2009.


“On Empathy: The Mirror Neuron System and Art Education,” International Journal of Education and the Arts 10(15), May 2009.




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